Episode 53 - The Last of Us - and the Convergence of Gaming, Video, and More

The video game market is much larger than Hollywood box office or music purchases, even though it’s not (yet?) as universal. Gaming is also evolving. PC and console games are now massive productions with a strong focus on story, with directors and writers (and awards!), making them better for movies and series. “The Last of Us” is now an HBO series based on the award-winning game, and builds on a great storyline—a weakness for many previous game-based movies and series. Gaming is also driving technologies such as graphics cards, displays, and gaming engines forward in ways that benefit other computing devices and drives innovation in graphics used in video. In short, the large gaming market has increasing influence outside of gaming, and a there is growing convergence of gaming content and technologies with other areas of entertainment—and soon with work, education, and daily life. Gaming is changing technology and society, and we’re going to benefit in many ways.


Episode 54 - What You Should Know About SXSW Interactive 2023


Episode 52 - LastPass, Passwords, and How to Protect Your Online Accounts