
Friends of the Austin Forum on Technology and Society are technology professionals and advocates who appreciate the importance of comprehensive, high-quality technology content being available to all for its impact that our programming on people, organizations, and society. Like Partners and Champions, Friends of the Forum contributions support our programming which is always free and open to the public, and support our mission to educate, inform, and connect people.

James Allen

Chris Ashton

Bruce Bogart

Aaron Buckholtz

​RD Childers

Bryan Daniel

Charlie Dominguez

Tyler Elwood

​Emily Gupton

​​Don & Mary Kay Hanson

Steve Harriman

Len HausE

​​​Homer Hegedus

James Hillhouse

Kevin Hughes

​Vaishali Jadhav​

Katherine Korytkowski

Kevin Koym

Steve Krant

Orlando Lacayo

David Ochel

Rachel Pennycuick

Josh Rothenberg

​Sean Schubert

Gabe Schuyler

Karthik Srinivasan

​Andy Stewart

Judy Tierney

Chris Van Loan

Jarrett Webb

​Jerald Welch